The MMAARRSS NFT collection is 256 100% unique NFTs, there is nothing common between any two NFTs. Each image is 1024 x 1024 pixels. They have been generated with AI and hand-curated to ensure a premium quality collection.
The source image
This is the first image generated that reached the quality and theme required. It is moody, mysterious and sinister.
Big eyed alien
The source image was then adjusted to form an alien, originally it was far
to clinical so it was made to look dirty and decayed.
Extreme decay
The decay was pushed further in this example as well as fusing the face
with that of a cyborg.
Alien beauity
Not everything needed to be evil and this highly detailed tattooed face
is a prime example.
256 images
The complete collection is 256 images which are all generated to an
exceptional standard, thousands more were created and rejected.
Each image is stored in the metadata file rather than as a pair of data + images.
This ensures the collection can remain for a long time to come as only 256 files
are needed to recreate the pinned IPFS data.